At the Firehouse
Biggest, Strongest, Fastest
Where Do I Live
This week we learned all about fire safety, strong animals and places to live. At the Firehouse is a fun book about what firefighters do and how we can stay safe. Biggest, Strongest, Fastest is all about the most exciting animals on the planet and what amazing things they can do. Where Do I Live is all about locating yourself in this world – from your planet to your bedroom.
The activity I want to highlight this week is the Social Studies activity for At the Firehouse. Although we really enjoyed all of the activities for this book, the Social Studies activity was our favorite because it helped us think and talk about how we can be safe from fire in our own home. First we reviewed the Fire Safety Tips at Home section of the book and found that we hadn’t talked about them in quite some time. Then we reviewed our family’s escape plan and set a schedule up to practice it, which led us to discover that we actually hadn’t set up a family escape plan since we moved. So we quickly came up with what to do if a fire happened in our home (get out fast, stay low, or get to a window and remain visible if you can’t get out), and we decided that if we got separated during the fire, our safe family meeting place would be the neighbor’s front door. What a huge week for my little Kindergartener! And this was only one of the important things we learned!
For more information about the AlphaSkills Read with Sarah curriculum and our family, see the AlphaSkills Blog Introduction.