I Want to be a Police Officer
F is for Flag!
This week was all about wind, flags, and police officers, and we had so much fun combining learning to read with learning about new things! It’s only been 3 weeks since we started Kindergarten, but already I can see Malachi making some progress in becoming a reader, and we are both so excited!
The activity I want to highlight this week is the Science activity for I Want to be a Police Officer. This little book was not only written on level for a Kindergartener learning to read, but it was also packed full of information about police officers and how they serve our community. During the Science activity, we read the book and looked back at the photographs to identify all of the different kinds of transportation used by police officers. Then we used the “Transportation of Police Officers” page from the kit to record Malachi’s responses, allowing him to try spelling big words like motorcycle, bicycle, horse, boats, hang glider, and more. Then I asked him which of these kinds of transportation would be classified as living and which are non-living, and he thought it was so funny how something living could also be transportation!
Something I really love about Kindergarten with AlphaSkills is that we are able to use the same 3 books all week in a different way every single day, which really helps Malachi build confidence in his efforts to read and also helps him learn new content in many subject areas at the same time. For more information about the AlphaSkills Read with Sarah curriculum and our family, see the AlphaSkills Blog Introduction.